Friday, January 7

A Post- New Year's Guilt Detox Lunch

From my few previous posts you might notice I was more than a little gluttonous over the past few weeks at home. This week I found myself having to get back into the routine of grocery shopping, endlessly hilighting course readers, and cooking for myself. Of course, cooking for myself (and others) isn't an issue, in fact it's my favorite thing to do. I've just gotten out of the habit of it lately but I'm happily slipping right back into cook mode. Yesterday afternoon after 4 hours of feminist studies and history lectures, I surprisingly found myself craving something light, not something heavy or warm like I usually do.

Om nom nom.

I remembered watching an episode of Nigella Feasts recently that made me smile as Nigella just threw together a breakfast that was a little carb heavy, but that's the thing about Nigella- she doesn't care. Her theory is if you're going to do it- go for it. If you want bread, don't get a  low carb or gluten free version (unless of course you suffer from celiac disease) because those aren't really bread. If you want bread, go to your local bakery and pick up a loaf of crusty italian, or fluffy french; but if you're gonna do it, do it right. Everything in moderation, she says. And that's exactly how I feel. Sometimes I get grief about my eating habits. "You're making French toast? That's so fattening." Yeah, it's not the healthiest, but for the rest of the week chances are I'll have oatmeal, yogurt and granola, or eggs for breakfast. We all deserve to treat ourselves and we should treat ourselves because if we don't, we're going to overindulge regularly to compensate for being forbidden. Banning ourselves from something and then overindulging is a lose-lose. Let yourself eat what you want, just be smart. If you have that baguette with breakfast, have a salad with garbanzo beans and avocado for lunch and a grain at dinner. It's simple as that. Moderation and variety is key.

Wow, so off topic. Anyhoo, I was feeling a little bit guilty this week because I'd been eating a lot of "bad" foods and not a lot of greens-- very very bad for a vegetarian. The last thing I want is to become a "bread and cheese vegetarian" or become anemic. But I thought of Nigella's episode and put together a light little lunch with protein, fiber, good fats, vitamins and minerals, and carbs. Peeeerfection.

Cracked Wheat Sourdough, garbanzos, avocado, salad.

I rinsed and drained a half a can of Trader Joe's organic garbanzo beans and mashed them up. Then I added about a tablespoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a little garlic salt and pepper. I lightly mashed up half an avocado with a little lemon juice (for flavor, and to keep the avo from browing) and salt and pepper. I toasted a piece and a half of cracked wheat sourdough bread (buy this next time you need bread, it's delicious and so flavorful so it keeps you fuller longer I think) and I made a little salad of mixed greens and cucumber with some honey dijon balsamic vinaigrette. Word to the wise: always make your own salad dressing if you've got the stuff. Bottled dressings taste funky, are filled with bad fats, and they just aren't good. Take equal parts balsamic vinegar and dijon mustard and mix with 2 parts olive oil, a dash of honey and some salt and pepper. Or switch out the balsamic for lemon juice and skip the honey. It's so easy and so flavorful and sooo much better than store bought.

I meant for this post to be short, just about my light and refreshing lunch, but I got a little carried away. I hope you try and enjoy this lunch, it's effortless and fool proof.

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